Oat Markets
I want to take this time to talk about oat markets,
specifically, a couple of areas where we are seeing growth and opportunity, not
only for...
2020 Crop Outlook
Scott Shiels
Timing is critical for market success.
As we head into the second-busiest season of the year on
the farm, seeding, there are likely some farmers...
Up One Day, Down the Next
By Scott Shiels
Well, another harvest has come and gone, at least for the
most part. Through the latter part of the summer, and into the...
What to Seed and When
by Scott Shiels
To seed or not to seed, that is the question. Well no, that isn’t the question. More accurately, what to seed or...
Finding a Home for Excess Grain
By Scott Shiels
We’ve been on quite the marketing rollercoaster when it comes to grains this year, and there doesn’t appear to be much of...
In For A Wild Ride
By Scott ShielsThis time of year, as the crop planning is done and we move on to the actual planting of the crop, marketing...
Together We Make A Difference
Scott Shiels
This harvest was one for the record books, but not in a
good way for most producers. The weather across the Prairies was not...
Markets and outside factors
by Scott Shiels
As I write this on March 18, we’re on holiday
in a small fishing village in southern Mexico. Our flight home was cancelled
and we’ve...
Don’t be Caught Holding the Bag
By Scott Shiels
year at this time, markets were facing downward pressure with large global
stocks of wheat, corn and soybeans, and crop conditions were very...
Reaping Returns at Harvest
By Scott Shiels
Harvest is here, and with it, the emergence of marketing opportunities for the newly-harvested crop. As summer breezed by, this crop season...