Together We Make A Difference
Scott Shiels
This harvest was one for the record books, but not in a
good way for most producers. The weather across the Prairies was not...
Food or Feed
By Scott Shiels
In this issue, I would like to touch on certain grading
factors that can differentiate milling grains from feed grains, and to point
Oat Markets
I want to take this time to talk about oat markets,
specifically, a couple of areas where we are seeing growth and opportunity, not
only for...
Don’t be Caught Holding the Bag
By Scott Shiels
year at this time, markets were facing downward pressure with large global
stocks of wheat, corn and soybeans, and crop conditions were very...
Preventative Maintenance
Scott Shiels
Spring is in the air, and with that, probably my most favourite
time: seeding! Whether you are pulling a 60-foot air drill or broadcasting...
What to Seed and When
by Scott Shiels
To seed or not to seed, that is the question. Well no, that isn’t the question. More accurately, what to seed or...
Creating Dynamic Duos
By Scott Shiels
Recently, I attended an intercropping workshop in Brandon, put on by POGI (Prairie Organic Grain Initiative), MOA (Manitoba Organic Alliance), the Manitoba Pulse...
Storage Makes Money
By Scott Shiels
In this issue, I thought it would be beneficial to talk about sampling, grain storage and some of the things you can...
Reaping Returns at Harvest
By Scott Shiels
Harvest is here, and with it, the emergence of marketing opportunities for the newly-harvested crop. As summer breezed by, this crop season...
Maximizing Returns in Unpredictable Markets
By Scott Scheils
As we roll into summer, everyone should be looking to market the last of the old crop, in order to make space...