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Raise a Glass

By Trevor Bacque Innovation comes in all shapes and sizes and primary agriculture is a hotbed for this practice. At Strathmore, Alta., the Hilton family...

Dual Purpose

Value-added businesses on farms are found all across the Prairies. The primary venture of farming is often directly tied into the secondary operation. This...

Driven to Succeed

By Trevor Bacque Jeff Prosko can hardly recognize his family farm from two decades ago. In fact, it has changed in just about every way...

Crops ‘n’ Cattle

By Trevor Bacque Kevin Serfas is a man with many titles: husband, father, brother, son, boss, coach, president and board director. But it’s the simple moniker of...

 and Gold

By Trevor Bacque For many Albertans, their story is intertwined with agriculture. Many of today’s farmers proudly tell stories of their great-grandparents arriving in the province with...

Embrace Uncertainty

By Trevor Bacque Tell someone that the most amazing place in the world is Newdale, Man., and you may receive a funny look or two....

Game Changer

By Trevor Bacque “If you love something set it free. If it comes back it’s yours. If not, it was never meant to be.” – Unknown For...

Blood, Sweat and Oil

By Trevor Bacque  It always starts with a conversation. Many entrepreneurs nostalgically pinpoint the exact moment their business venture was born. For many, it becomes...

Born to Run

By Trevor Bacque Independence is nothing new in farming. Most children keen to take over the operation often dream of the day when they are...

Stepping out of the comfort zone

By Trevor Bacque  An unspoken goal of many farmers is to take what their parents created and try to make it better than when they...

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