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Crop Returns Tighten

Profitable cropping options are few and far between heading into the 2018 growing season. With a 50 per cent tariff on peas exported into India...

Crop Input Investment and Replicated Data

I can’t keep up with all the new products being offered to farmers, often from companies new to Canada. Some of the products are...

Collaboration for Profit and Fun

By Kevin Hursh There are ways to attain a better bottom line if we’d just quit being so damn independent. When economic times are relatively good in farming, as they...

Hogs versus Dogs

by Kevin Hursh  It’s amazing what enterprises make money and which ones are a low-margin grind.  At a recent producer meeting, I had the opportunity to visit with two different producers who...

Plant Innovation: Who Will Pay and How?

By Kevin Hursh More money needs to be invested in plant innovation and crop breeding or Canadian agriculture will fall behind major competitors. This is not a...

Agronomic Advice is All Over the Map

By Kevin Hursh To say that variation exists in agronomic advice is an understatement. Never have farmers received such wide-ranging and often contradictory advice on how to...

Support Agriculture When Required

By Kevin Hursh In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, a river of money has been flowing from Ottawa. The agriculture sector has received a relative pittance. While...

Emission reduction that could work

Carbon taxes and/or cap and trade systems will be implemented across the country. Everyone has their own opinion on whether this makes sense, but...

More Co-operation Possible Between Grain and Cattle Producers

By Kevin Hursh It all started in the fall of 2016. With the seemingly endless rain that year, most of our chickpea crop never matured...

Wide-ranging Drought Ramifications

By Kevin HurshThe growing season of 2021 will be indelibly etched in the minds of farmers and in the pages of record books. Not...

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